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RabbitMQ currently offers two methods for integrating monitoring data.

Version Requirement: RabbitMQ (version >= 3.8.0)


  1. In the running environment of the RabbitMQ service, enable the Prometheus plugin using the following command:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_prometheus
  1. Add the following configuration to configmap/apo-grafana-alloy-config, replacing the YOUR_RABBITMQ_SERVER_IP variable:
prometheus.scrape "rabbitmq" {
targets = [
__address__ = "YOUR_RABBITMQ_SERVER_IP:15692",
job = "integrations/rabbitmq",
scheme = "http"
scrape_interval = "60s"
forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.example.receiver]

Note: When replacing YOUR_RABBITMQ_SERVER_IP, do not include the http or https prefix, e.g.,

  1. Use the RabbitMQ Official Metrics dashboard included in APO Grafana to view monitoring data.

Method 2: Using the Community Open-Source Exporter (Integrated into Alloy)

Version Requirement: RabbitMQ (version >= 3.6.8), earlier versions may also be supported. Refer to the Configuration Modification Instructions.


  1. Add the following configuration to configmap/apo-grafana-alloy-config. Below is the most basic configuration, replace the YOUR_RABBITMQ_URL variable:
prometheus.exporter.rabbitmq "rabbitmq_demo" {
rabbit_url = YOUR_RABBITMQ_URL

prometheus.scrape "rabbitmq_demo" {
targets = prometheus.exporter.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_demo.targets
forward_to = [prometheus.relabel.example.receiver]
  1. Use the RabbitMQ Metrics (kbudde/rabbitmq_exporter) dashboard included in APO Grafana to view monitoring data.

Configuration Notes:

The prometheus.exporter.rabbitmq block supports the following optional configurations, all of which are sourced from kbudde/rabbitmq_exporter.

Environment variabledefaultdescription
rabbit_urlhttp:// to RabbitMQ management plugin (must start with http(s)://)
rabbit_userguestUsername for RabbitMQ management plugin. User needs monitoring tag!
rabbit_passwordguestPassword for RabbitMQ management plugin
rabbit_connectiondirectDirect or loadbalancer, strips the self label when loadbalancer
rabbit_user_fileLocation of file with username (useful for Docker secrets)
rabbit_password_fileLocation of file with password (useful for Docker secrets)
publish_port9419Listening port for the exporter
publish_addr""Listening host/IP for the exporter
output_formatTTYLog output format. TTY and JSON are supported
log_levelinfoLog level. Possible values: "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "fatal", or "panic"
cafileca.pemPath to root certificate for access management plugin. Only needed if a self-signed certificate is used. Will be ignored if the file does not exist
certfileclient-cert.pemPath to client certificate used to verify the exporter's authenticity. Will be ignored if the file does not exist
keyfileclient-key.pemPath to private key used with certificate to verify the exporter's authenticity. Will be ignored if the file does not exist
skipverifyfalsetrue/0 will ignore certificate errors of the management plugin
skip_vhost^$Regex, matching vhost names are not exported. First performs INCLUDE_VHOST, then SKIP_VHOST. Applies to queues and exchanges
include_vhost.*Regex vhost filter. Only matching vhosts are exported. Applies to queues and exchanges
include_queues.*Regex queue filter. Only matching names are exported
skip_queues^$Regex, matching queue names are not exported (useful for short-lived RPC queues). First performed INCLUDE, after SKIP
include_exchanges.*Regex exchange filter. (Only exchanges in matching vhosts are exported)
skip_exchanges^$Regex, matching exchange names are not exported. First performed INCLUDE, after SKIP
rabbit_capabilitiesbert,no_sortComma-separated list of extended scraping capabilities supported by the target RabbitMQ server
rabbit_exportersexchange,node,queueList of enabled modules. Possible modules: connections, shovel, federation, exchange, node, queue, memory
rabbit_timeout30Timeout in seconds for retrieving data from management plugin.
max_queues0Max number of queues before we drop metrics (disabled if set to 0)
exclude_metricsMetric names to exclude from export. Comma-separated. e.g. "recv_oct, recv_cnt". See exporter_*.go for names

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