Grafana-Beyla Unready Issue
Grafana-Beyla only supports running on kernel versions 5.8 and above. For more details, please refer to the official Grafana-Beyla documentation:
In APO-OneAgent, Grafana-Beyla is primarily used for monitoring Go language services. If your operating system kernel does not meet the requirements for running Beyla, you can choose to remove the Grafana-Beyla related configurations in daemonset/apo-one-agent
, or you can configure to disable Beyla during installation.
Deploying APO-OneAgent with Helm Charts and Disabling Grafana-Beyla
Configure the apo-one-agent-values.yaml
file as follows:
# apoServerIP is the ClusterIP where APO-server is located
apoServerIP: x.x.x.x # FIXME
# APO-one-agent enabled flag, default is false
# targetNamespace
# name: target namespace
# value:
# enabled: inject all existing services, but do not inject newly added applications
# enabledFuture: inject all current and future services
# disabled: do not inject services in the specified namespace, used to ignore specific namespaces when instrument-all-namespace is enabled
- name: default
value: enabledFuture
- name: default2
value: enabled
- name: default3
value: disabled
# instrument-all-namespace: whether to inject all namespaces
# equivalent to setting enabledFuture for all namespaces
# but if ns or workload is already set to disabled, it will not be injected
instrumentAllNamespace: false
# force-instrument-all-namespace: whether to forcibly inject all namespaces
# similar to instrument-all-namespace, all namespaces are set to enabledFuture
# and all disabled settings are ignored
forceInstrumentAllNamespace: false
enabled: false
Execute the helm upgrade (install) command:
helm upgrade --install apo apo/apo-one-agent -n apo -f apo-one-agent-values.yaml